I was invited to meet a magical place along my family’s journey into the mountains this weekend
A place I had heard about within the pages of my husband’s childhood tales
A place I had yet to see
We pulled up to the cabin in the trees and all piled out of the car
My husband started sharing stories of good times passed
His eyes were bright with details
"Our fort was over here...
We caught chipmunks with a laundry basket and a piece of string right over there...
And the path to the river is down there..."
My family went one way to explore
But my pace was slow as the long grass and bright leaves shared their glorious colors with me. I couldn't resist crouching down to take a few pictures
Through the pines and down to the water my children followed after their dad and I hurried to catch up. A small pile of scattered shoes and socks were quickly tossed onto the rocks
Squeals of delight found in the frigid drops echoed through the forest
It felt as though the trees were happy to hear my family's squeals
There I was miles from everywhere and noticed I didn't have much to say,
For I was busy listening
Completely captivated by the beauty of the swirling water and all of her stories
The river whispered her memories and my mind painted pictures of my husband and his siblings as children joyously jumping into the water
Floating, exploring, spending all day by its side
Skipping rocks where crystal clear water parted ways
My husband was delighted to see that the sandbar was just as it had always been
The river remembered my husband just as he remembered the river
And I was honored to witness the reunion take place
P.S. Our son is ready to move there to make memories of his own. To live near moving water has been one of his ongoing dreams. He's planning the details of how homeschooling would go and just how spectacular a life in the wilderness would be. He is begging me to help him make the plans. I think he knows he wouldn't have to try very hard to convince me. Afterall, the wild waters call my name, too.