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Solar Flares and Symptom Flares

Amanda Fox Gibbons

Do you follow solar weather? I've been hearing about how we have been heading towards solar maximum which is predicted to happen in 2025. Perhaps you are well versed in what this means but from what I understand it lends to an enormous increase in solar activity and massive geomagnetic storms.

There are different classes of solar flares with M and X being the big ones. Our sun kicked out 126 M and X class flares this past June. Average solar events like these occur perhaps 12 times a year yet we got 126 in one month! This explains the increase in Aurora Borealis sightings especially in unusual places like Texas and Arizona.

Over the last 6 or so years, I have fallen even more in love with the sunshine. It feels absolutely blissful. Divinely supportive of every single function of our human selves. It's as though my cells are singing in the light. When my hair is bleached out and my skin is glowing I feel more radiant than ever before. Like the light I have been absorbing has filled me up so much that its spilling over, unabridged. For years now I have made it my daily practice to catch the sunrise and sunset, no matter the temperature outside. Most of my favorite photos I have taken include the sun along the horizon. It is purely magical to see the first or last brilliant sparkles in the sky.

Looking back at a few old photos that my mom brought out for my recent 40th birthday celebration, there was one in that particularly caught my eye. Me in the mountains for the first or second time, eyes closed soaking in the morning light. I realized I've been doing this for quite some time but it is as of late that I have truly noticed just how important this practice has become to me.

I used to feel a little self-conscious over my love affair with the sun. I even had someone remark how "I must certainly lay out a lot" as if it is something of privilege or vanity. The sun is available to all of us and even though I couldn't explain it, I desperately needed as much sunlight as I could get at that time. It wasn't about looking a certain way.

It was about feeling alive. And yes, even my armpits were tan.

Just as the trees and flowers and animals need the sun for life, so do we. I believe we receive information directly from the sun. Instructions for our bodies on how to grow, heal, evolve. Call them light codes, divine downloads, solar infusions. We don't really need words at all. Just simply spend ten minutes basking and let me know how you feel.

For an even more unite-me-with-nature experience, lay naked in the sun.

Complete and utter bliss. I am grateful to have very few neighbors.

Perhaps you are like me and have come to know that your soul has taken the path of deep physical healing as a way to more fully understand the spiritual reasons you are alive. Call it ascension or enlightenment or whatever words make sense to you, but it is becoming clearer and clearer to me the necessity and importance of my getting sick, even as difficult as it can be to deal with symptoms.

Weeks and months will go by almost symptom-free and it's the best of the best. Like an entirely new lease on life. I've tried enough elimination diets, detoxes, supplements, brain rewiring, therapy, energy work and body work to check those off of my list. Some of those things helped more than others but nothing has permanently eliminated my symptoms. I can eat, drink, move, think all in the same way yet some days I'll have massive symptoms and other days feel perfectly healthy. There hasn't been any one thing that connects to a flare of symptoms until I started following the space weather.

Throughout this whole healing experience the one consistent element that connects to symptom flares are solar flares. I am incredibly curious to hear if you have experienced this, too?

I've been rather obsessed with the Aurora but haven't witnessed it in real life yet. The photos and videos I have seen are so exquisite. The long streaks of pulsating light remind me of the optical auras I have experienced just before getting a migraine. It seems to be that the Aurora lights are a massive energetic discharge. A way Earth can free itself from too much energy. Just as I feel after getting a migraine: light and clear and cleansed. As if my body has squeezed its energetic sponge and let go of any excess stress.

I have an Alaska trip planned for this fall. I so hope I am lucky enough to see them!


I wrote that about 6 months ago and have been thinking about it again lately. While I didn't see the Aurora in Alaska, the Lady of the Sky did appear shortly after we got back home to Montana. While the lights pulsed I witnessed something called STEVE right alongside them. A solar thermal emission of sorts. What I found to be most interesting is how I physically felt while watching the lights: totally nauseous. I was dizzy and even dry-heaved three times! It surprised me that I would feel so sick after being so excited to see them.

The message I received from my unpleasant reaction was that the light within me is feeling trapped. It is longs to dance like the lights in the night sky. It is asking, begging, pleading to be released. Can I trust life enough to let my light fully shine? This is the the question that is at the foundation of my entire journey.

Paying more attention to the ebbs and flows of my health symtoms I have come to recognize that 100% of the time my health flares are during the solar flares. Is this true for you, too? Do you have any thoughts about space weather? Have you experienced similar things when you've seen the Northern Lights? Are you also in love with the sunshine? Is your exquisite light asking/demanding to be freed? Let's talk. I am fascinated.

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