I love plants. Growing plants, eating plants, caring for plants, utilizing the healing properties of plants. My house is slowly becoming a jungle and I just got two beautiful wooden raised beds for my birthday, handmade by my friend! I am so excited. I used to feel intimidated to try my hand at gardening. Turns out it's really just a giant experiment and you learn as you go/grow. You don't fail, you just learn. Another wise metaphor I try to carry over into other areas of my life.
Planting my own garden has allowed the freedom to grow whatever my family enjoys eating and what suits our individual needs. We have different constitutions and varying opinions on the deliciousness of certain veggies, so we get to grow our own faves! My favorites are yellow squash, zucchini, and really all varieties of squash. YUMMY and Vata balancing.
Here's what I've planted this week in my two adorable little starter greenhouses:
VEG & FRUIT: broccoli, tomatoes, pole beans, butternut squash, bell peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelon, yellow squash, zucchini, spaghetti squash, beets, onions, lettuce
HERBS: lavender, rosemary, basil, cilantro, sage
FLOWERS: hollyhocks, sunflower, zinnia
PLANTS to be straight sown if and when it finally stops snowing: Kale, chard, spinach, garlic, potatoes, raspberries, strawberries.....
I might need a bigger garden! I'll keep you posted! What's in your garden?
Next on my dream list is a greenhouse. And frolicking in a giant field of lavender.
#growyourown #growfoodnotlawns #organicvegetables #backyardgarden #herbgarden #montanagardening #comeonsummertime #wildpeace