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Empaths & Food: Eating Other People's Feelings

Ayurveda teaches that the most important aspect of proper digestion is the energy of the person preparing the food.

As an empath, I find this exceptionally true. Ever wondered why your stomach aches in certain situations? Or why sometimes eating a certain type of food goes perfectly well, while other times that same food can cause bloating and pain? I believe it has less to do with the actual food and more to do with energy with which it was prepared.

Imagine a dinner party where the cook is frazzled, resentful of being responsible for cooking, stressed about how much the party was going to cost, or plain out needing a quiet evening yet didn't know how to say no or reschedule for a better time? The food prepared by this person will carry a completely different energy than if it was made by someone who was delighted to be hosting, ready to entertain and full of extra zest. As highly in tune humans, empaths are especially sensitive to dynamics such as this, which oftentimes go undiscovered.

Taking this one step further, I like noticing just how much better food purchased at my local Farmer's Market often tastes when compared to the grocery store produce. Seeing the sparkle in the farmer's eyes, knowing they have planned, planted, tended, harvested and delivered the food right to you. I sense their delight and my recipes are always so much tastier when made with fresh produce. Even more amazing is growing your own vegetables! Springtime, I am ready for you! Raised beds here I come.

Here are 4 helpful tips for improved digestion:

1. Try to cook when you're feeling it and excited to be in the kitchen. Take advantage of this high-on-life vibe and prepare some extra meals for the freezer!

2. Bring a side dish to parties, especially if you normally get a stomachache when you're around certain people. Quinoa salads with roasted sweet potatoes are my go-to.

Even better, eat beforehand and then enjoy the conversation and possible dessert.

3. Support local farmer's when you can

4. Suggest an after dinner walk! I love discharging the extra energy I take on in groups and getting outside is the most effective way I find to let it go. Going home without a stomachache is proof that it is working.

Realize it's not just you. Understanding that you're not alone is empowering. It is ok to be sensitive and I encourage you to take care of yourself in whatever way you need to.

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