Are you feeling like I'm feeling: cold, pale and a little softer than usual?
As creatures of the earth, like it or not, we are affected by the seasons. Here in the mountains, it has been cold, windy, snowy and dark. While it is natural to be more sedentary, eat heavier meals and retreat a bit from the world during the winter months, about mid-March it usually hits me that I'm ready (like READY) for spring and to feel light and energized in my body. If you're like me and want to get in better shape, check out my tips below!
Here's my plan to get back to feeling in tune, energized:
1. Upon rising, drink 8oz of warm lemon water. Great way to remove toxins and hydrate. Continuing to drink warm water throughout the day also helps burn up Ama, undigested/improperly digested food, that may otherwise stay lodged in your system. Avoiding large quantities of liquids with meals will improve your digestion because your digestive enzymes won't be diluted.
2. Do a 30-minute morning exercise routine. I LOVE www.theyogacollective.com. This $15/month membership gives you easy access to hundreds of classes and offers a free 2-week trial. My favorite class is the 30-minute Vinyasa Core Flow with Anaswara. I do this daily before my family is awake. Anyone else cherish their quiet morning alone time? Ahhhhh.
3. Meditate for 20 minutes every day. I have fallen in love with meditation because it helps me feel grounded, connected to my body, and more intuitive. It adds an ease into my life which wasn't there beforehand. Get in touch with me if you would like to learn Heart-Based Meditation. It's simple, beautiful and accessible to all.
4. Eat. More. Fat. Have you heard of the popular "Keto" diet? My favorite principle from Keto is to eat more healthy fat. This looks like 1 TBSP coconut/MCT oil in my morning tea/coffee, an avocado with lunch, and snacking on macadamia nuts or almonds throughout the day. Our brain needs healthy fats to work properly. Give it a whirl and let me know how you feel! (Word to the wise: start slowly with the MCT oil- it can make you run for the bathroom.)
5. Reduce/eliminate processed foods and sugar. The easiest way to start feeling better is to replace processed foods with whole foods. A few easy swaps I love are:
Ditch this processed food: -------------> Swap for this whole food:
Stay tuned for my homemade kid-approved grain-free granola recipe. Coming soon!!