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Medicinal Messages

Amanda Fox Gibbons

"You are the strongest person I know. You have worked so hard these last 2 years.

I am so glad you're my Mom." ~ my tender hearted son.

Have you ever received the most perfect message just when you needed it the most? I didn't even know how much I needed to hear these words until they came out. Whispered in the dark, a gentle little hand on my shoulder asking for one more goodnight hug. A sweet face pressed against my cheek. His 12-year old self leaned over to embrace his sleepy mama.

You are the strongest person I know.

After months of ups and downs and countless moments of feeling the weakest I have ever felt, this tender soul sees the strength in his mama. A passion for healing and devotion to keep going. He recognizes my resilience, persistence and desire for a life well-lived. This whole time, I have thought that his Dad was the strongest person I knew, having held us together without hesitation. Unshakeable strength. Turns out our kids have two strong parents.

My son's words were medicine for me. Sleep was peaceful and easy that night.

Last week, my husband looked me in the eyes and told me how much he loved me. That my presence makes our family go around. How my existence allows our life to flow. That I make us stronger, more stable, whole. Just simply by existing and being myself. You see, I have had a grand experience in humility; outside standards of success and productivity have fallen by the wayside. My life focus completely shifted.

For awhile now, the majority of my days have been about healing, preserving energy and going to appointments. Somedays I can't make dinner or take care of anyone else, two things I love to do. The societal gold standard of success defined by monetary gains and career expansion has held zero value in my book. In fact, my book has been completely rewritten- a most important offshoot and an unforeseen gift.

Throughout the mold madness, I have thought a lot about what I have been learning, experiencing and coming to understand. But I haven't given a lot of thought to what my story might have been teaching others throughout the mayhem. Turns out, it's been quite a lot!

Maybe just by living our own story, we impact others in the most beautiful of ways. Unbeknownst to us until the words are spoken. So please keep speaking your magic.

Your words are medicine.

Keep going.

You're stronger than you realize.

You are so important.

Medicine comes in many forms.

Release what you once knew to make room for miracles.

A healthy body is a gift. Cherish it. Fight for it. Maintain it. Listen to it. Love it.

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