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Amanda Fox Gibbons

“It’s all of the times you’re savagely honest and let yourself see where you are the problem

and then in the grace that follows when you realize that must mean you are the medicine, too” - Dr. Cassie Huckaby

There is medicine all around us

It takes the form of everything in life

If only we slow down enough to notice

For a slow pace is essential for this type of work

And for this type of falling in love

It is required for this kind of healing

And therein lies the medicine you seek

It is time to be intentional

Intentionally present

I am learning that there is nothing more important

Than being present for your life

The medicine you seek is available to you

But it requires paying close attention

And an enormous willingness to change

And when you are slow and clear and quiet

I guarantee you will fall in love

For I most certainly have

With the seasons, the animals, the plants, the planet

The warm purr of an orange kitten curled up against my knee

The tiny white tip of a curly black tail

Contagious enthusiasm found in sweet brown eyes with light tan eyebrows

The glee of 13 chickens released into the long grass

All eager for the adventures that await

An assortment of green leaves weave all around my room

Heart shaped, tall, pointy, succulents and cacti

My daily companions

So many lessons we can learn from our creatures

Presence in every moment

The buzz of the winter wind as it curls over the hills

Slightly stinging my face

Cloud shadows shifting quickly across the backdrop of my life

Trees in all of their phases

Glistening water flowing beneath my feet

As my eyes gaze over the bridge

Wondering where this water came from

And all of the different things it has seen

Do these things have an age?

How old is the wind? The clouds? The water?

I quietly ask my questions and wait patiently for the answers

The pause at the bottom of a breath

Fingertips and eyelashes, delicate and beautiful

Wiggling toes

Emotions that flow

The divine energy within each and every one of us

Plants, animals, humans, Mother Earth

Afterall, we are made from the same ingredients

My quest for healing has taken me down many avenues

Countless herbs and tinctures and potions

Numerous practitioners

All necessary pieces of my puzzle

Recently, something new is happening

A beautiful shift has taken place

I am no longer craving input from others

Once serving as my guiding lights

Life rafts to hold me afloat

With dominant strong voices dolling out advice deemed 'official'

Grateful at one time for their input and assistance

I am finding it less and less necessary

For inside my being a strong voice has emerged

She is kind and brave and accurate

And full of wisdom

Body wisdom

My own wisdom

And I am listening

I believe we each hold the key to our own healing

And that medicine is everywhere

What wisdom is your being sharing with you at this moment?

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