Sitting in the hot tub on New Year's Eve
Face glowing in the warm water
I asked what my resolution could be
“You can trust me” the universe whispered
Starlight shining through the dark branches
The tree line silhouetted against the hillside
My smile sweet and quiet
And unseen by others
Only the trees and the stars and a few flurries
Witnessed the message I received
My dream for this year is being lighter
Laughing and seeing more humor ✨
Knowing it is all unfolding as it should
No need to live in the future
No need to cast predictions
Or run worst case scenarios through my tired wheels
Those stories can retire now
Use that energy for what brings joy
Fill up on bliss, serenity, peace, laughter
Hand. It. All. Over.
Be fully in the moment
The best that I can
And experience everything
It is truly why we are alive