It’s ok to let go
Of the old story on repeat
Of that thing you could’ve done better
Of the past
It’s ok to let go of it all
In fact, it is absolutely necessary
To release yourself
On your own divine timeline
In order to truly heal
It isn’t what I had anticipated
An awakening to be
But then again
I hadn't really given it much thought
It’s painful and messy
Punctuated by unprecedented splendor
It’s silent and roaring
Bloody and intense
It’s a birth of sorts
And birthing is never easy
Similar to the last few weeks of pregnancy
Your body enormous and uncomfortable
Labor pains a welcome feeling
Your own howls music to your ears
Super-powered strength shines forth
Knowing that it will be over soon
And it will have been most worthwhile
For on the other side of the birth
A beautiful gift awaits
A precious new life
Mysterious and other worldly
And familiar all at once
I am keenly aware of the similarity
In the chorus of these two songs
The songs of childbirth and freedom

This week my cycle is heavy and painful
Perfectly aligned with the giant release
Of all of these things
I have carried for so long
I will not be surprised
If my lungs never wheeze again
When my eyesight continues to clarify
Intuition growing stronger
When my body remains full
Of new energy and new ideas
And my heart stays open
Mind expansive
Soul eternally more radiant
For this has been the birth of a lifetime
A gift of immeasurable value
And if these things fluctuate
It simply means
There is more for me to learn
Be free, beautiful being
Set yourself free
The world needs you
Brilliantly bright
And free as the wind
And only you know how to do it
#wildpeacewellness #healyourself #awakening #keepgoing #beautyisallaround #brave #strong #powerful #ascension #freetobeme #neardeathexperience #soulful #growth #lifelessons #bodywisdom #transformation #transformationthroughsuffering #chronicillness #chronicillnessrecover #giftsofhealing