This morning the sunshine was my breakfast
Filling me up like delicious french toast
Covered in butter and pure maple syrup
Only better
We went for another drive together
Just me and my dog
Meandering through the spring fields
Pulling over when something caught my eye
Lately my connections have become more with the wild world
and much less with that of the humans
I talk to the animals
Sing with the wind
Observe the rhythms of nature
Breathe in the sun
Recognize the lady of the leaves
And the spirit of the sky
The dewdrops and crystals in the ice
My friends
A tree line reminds me of where it is I came from
New little green grass shoots say hello
So nice to see you, too
I used to gaze out at the mountains in the far distance
Imagining the adventures they could hold
Trails to climb and creeks to play in
Wondering just what was over the next ridge
Always focused far away
But something has shifted
And now I delight in the tiny details right beneath my feet
I used to need sunglasses
Squinting and teary without them
But lately I simply drink it all in
And it feels wonderful
Sparkles catch in my eyes and flash around when I blink
It is better to witness this glorious life unobstructed
As bright and as beautiful as it really is
Covered in goosebumps and still in my pajamas
I noticed that the hair on my arms was lit up
Just like the new alfalfa in the fields
Covered in the sunshine maple syrup
We are just the same