I’ve been afraid my entire life
It’s been hard to be on the planet, carrying so much fear
I’ve tried to run it away, starve it away, distract it away, pray it away, meditate it away
While somewhat helpful in the moment
None of those have actually taken it away
So today I’ve decided to take a different approach
I’m just going to love her
Love the one who is afraid
Love the one that worries about her children, her husband, her loved ones, humanity
Love the one who wants to heal the world
That sometimes wonders what direction it’s going in
Love the one who misses the species that are extinct or threatened to become so
Misses the clean oceans, clean air, the rainforests, the wild
Love the one who wants peace on earth
Who gets kicked in the guts when she hears the news
Who questions herself, her purpose, life
Love the one with all of the questions
I’m going to love this deep and tender soul
Who sees the good in all things
Who cries easily
Who feels everything
Who doesn’t feel like she belongs here
The one who has collapsed multiple times
The one who keeps standing back up
The one who is actually tough as nails
I am going to just love her and see what happens ✨
** Not even 5 minutes after writing this, I laid down to meditate. I was overcome with the most beautiful vision of white sparkling lights leaving my body. Floating a foot or so above me like a shimmering cloud. Lifting up right from my cells with a vibration of knowingness and release.
That was yesterday. Today I feel peaceful. The churning in my soul is quiet. A deep calm resides. It feels different than before and I am grateful.
Maybe that's the most important thing we can do: truly truly truly love her. Him. You.