When you have grown weary of the internet searches
The conflicting information
Comparing your story to those of others
When your life has been altered so drastically that you finally surrender
That is where true transformation begins
Your eyes and heart begin to open
The expansiveness of the universe becomes more fascinating than ever before
The shape of your children’s eyes more intriguing and important
The softness of the sheets and heaviness of the blankets become a shelter
The quiet click of a door tenderly closed so you can rest, an act of love
When it isn’t simply your body that is tired now
That is where the magic happens
We are spiritual beings going through a metamorphosis
Our understanding of life forever changed
Our appreciation for our human vessel ever expanded
The ability to heal our spirits through our physical healing process is remarkable
When gratitude for the entire experience peeks in,
you are beginning to understand there has been a reason for it all
The questions you must ask yourself are these:
What is it I am learning?
What is beginning to become clear?
What elements of my existence up until this point have asked to be released?
What beautiful new ones are asking to be allowed into my life now?
The questions and the choices all belong to you.
Beautiful human, welcome to the next level.

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